trees can be a great addition to your cat’s lifestyle.
It’s a spot where they can relax, scratch their claws, climb, play, and sleep. Just like any pet product in your home, a cat tree requires fairly regular cleaning, particularly if your cat has an accident or parasites, like fleas. Disinfecting is a vital part of effectively cleaning your cat’s tree. A pet hair vacuum cleaner can also make the cleaning process easier. If you want to learn more about how to clean your cat tree or if you are concerned about your cat’s behavior, go to dutch.
Yes, Your Kitty Needs a Cat Tree – Here’s How to Choose the Best One
The tree v. Bush dweller question may just seem like a fun fact to know, but it does lend a lot of insight into individual cat personalities.
Understanding your cat’s preference can help you to create an enriched environment for your individual cat that speaks to their individual needs for comfort, safety, and stimulation. If your cat is a tree dweller, consider:
adding vertical space to your home such as cat trees or kitty-friendly shelving
creating a cat superhighway above ground level where cats can navigate around your home
positioning your furniture and belongings carefully to allow and encourage your cat to use them as vertical space.
Cats are true athletes. Thanks to their muscular hind legs and strong back, they can run like the wind, jump to incredible heights, and scale the tallest trees. To satisfy their climbing needs, indoor cats often transform the curtains or the screen door into their personal mount everest. Provide your adventurous kitty with a cat tree to bring them back to earth.
Indoor cats can live happy fulfilled lives with the right enrichment (and a loving guardian). One of the best ways to enrich your cat’s life is through furniture, like cat trees and scratching posts. These pieces appeal to your cat’s natural instincts, promote an active lifestyle and help them feel safer in their environments. Read on to learn how a cat tree can benefit your cat’s life and how to decide which cat tree is right for your home.
January 2015 our humble beginnings as cat lovers ourselves we hunted for a wooden cat tree that was sturdy and would suit the style of our room. We found the search hard, most were mass produced fur covered tubes that all seemed to look the same. So, we gave up the search and decided to create our own, an exciting playground and chill area for our furries. Wanting it to be sturdy enough for three cats to play on, and look pleasing to the eye, also fit into the restricted space we had. And so, our first rustic wooden cat tree was created.